Fireworks under the microscope: a spectacular new species of Zodiomyces from the Thaxter collection


Rossi, W., Haelewaters, D. & Pfister, D.H., 2016. Fireworks under the microscope: a spectacular new species of Zodiomyces from the Thaxter collection. Mycologia , 108 (4) , pp. 709-715.
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A new species of Zodiomyces (Ascomycota, Laboulbeniales) is described, Z. rhizophorus, parasitic on a hydrophilid beetle (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) from Trinidad. This species was discovered during the examination of the slides of Laboulbeniales made by Roland Thaxter. It is characterized by numerous long, slender, multicellular and multiseriate outgrowths at the base of the receptacle. Thaxter's outstanding illustrations have set a standard in the field of mycology; we provide a review of the methods he employed in the preparation of these illustrations.

Last updated on 04/25/2019